December 2023 Update

Where has the year gone? It is hard to believe it’s December already, but the opportunity to remember the special moments of 2023, celebrate and share good cheer with family and friends is upon us! The NDHA Board of Directors would like to wish you and those closest to you a safe and happy holiday season, with sincere “Best Wishes for 2024” from all of us!

We hope you are enjoying the annual light display at our entrance and in the recreation park across from Cornerstone Square.  Special thanks to True North Christmas Lights, who installed new lights and a new display format for us this year. Many residents comment how much they look forward to seeing these festive lights and we agree; it always brings a feeling of joy!  The seven planters near the roundabout have also been transformed to an evergreen holiday display for your enjoyment during the season. We have some fabulous talent from Pixie Gardens working with us to make these installations beautiful and we hope you agree that the holiday additions create a festive atmosphere in Discovery Ridge!

Your annual NDHA fee is essential to provide many services that the City will not, and allows Discovery Ridge to set itself apart from all other communities. Thank you for remitting your fee this year. It has allowed us to continue the essential work of landscape and waterfall operations, maintenance, our seasonal displays, and snow removal in the community. For those who are new to Discovery Ridge, please note that this annual payment is a legal requirement and was due June 29th. If you are unsure of your payment status, please enquire via our website.

On a final note, the NDHA would like to remind residents that although the ULS snow clearing team will be out in full force after each snow event, please be vigilant while walking in the neighborhood. We make our community paths as safe as possible during the winter months, but Mother Nature gives us all manner of weather and temperatures throughout the winter and ice can form unexpectedly. Ice can also get drifted over by snow, becoming hidden, especially on hills! Use caution when travelling on the pathways and don’t hesitate to contact us if you see an area needing attention.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to All, from your NDHA Board: Shaune Pasay (President), Millard Matthews (Vice-President), D.U. Cruickshank (Treasurer), Janell McDonald (Secretary), Caroll-Ann Bainbridge, Michelle Conway, Kevin King, Adrian Doughty, Jim Fox (Directors)

We are always happy to hear from our NDHA members; please access our website at for NDHA News updates or to send an email – you can also call us at 403-237-9595.