Update and Correction Regarding NDHA/ULS Snow Clearing

The NDHA has recently been informed that ULS is no longer contracted by the City of Calgary to clear snow on the community sidewalks managed by the City. This contradicts the information that was provided in our November 2023 News Article, so we feel it is important to correct this error. The sidewalks managed by the City are generally along Discovery Ridge Boulevard and Discovery Ridge Hill, and a few other sidewalks next to roads, where no home/condo/commercial property are adjacent.

Please note that ULS is under contract to the NDHA and they do clear the snow from our community greenspace pathways and the two sidewalks on the north side of the roundabout. For further clarification on locations where the NDHA is responsible for this work, please reference our FAQ Menu on this page. FAQ 22 has a map and further explanation.

For any issues on pathways noted in red on the map, please contact the NDHA. Issues in all other areas will require you to contact 311 for resolution.

Alternatively, you may visit the City of Calgary website to view their snow clearing maps: https://maps.calgary.ca/PathwaysandBikeways/