2016 Annual General Meeting

The AGM of the New Discovery Homeowner’s Association will be held on June 8th, 2016 at Menno Simons school (7000 Elkton Dr. SW). The meeting will start at 7:00 pm.  

The Board of Directors wishes to invite all residents of Discovery Ridge to attend; all member residents in good standing are eligible to vote. If you haven’t yet paid your annual fee, please click on the box on the right side of this page that says “Pay Your Annual Fees Online”. You may also send a cheque by post (address at bottom right of this  page).  If you have not received or have lost the invoice notification, please contact us immediately at ndhaaccts@gmail.com

Members who are not able to attend this meeting are asked to please return their signed proxy (via email or post) as soon as possible. 10% of the membership must be represented at the meeting, either in person or by proxy, for the meeting to proceed. Your help in achieving this requirement is much appreciated!

Discovery Ridge continues to be one of the premiere communities in the City of Calgary; attending the AGM is a great way to have your voice heard and to get a first-hand account of how your fee is used to ensure an award-winning standard far above what most neighbourhoods achieve. There are spots available if you are interested in volunteering to sit on the 2016/17 Board; as always, we are glad for the help of any member who can contribute in any way, even if not as a board member. 

Please attend our AGM on June 8th, or send in your proxy in lieu of attending. We look forward to seeing you!