The ongoing saga of our waterfall at the roundabout continues. We are working to get it up and running for the summer; it has been identified as the number one priority capital project for the NDHA this year. Unfortunately nothing could move forward until the water lines were opened up in late April for the irrigation system.Testing of the pond levels has occurred over the past few weeks and despite much work done last summer and fall, we have confirmed that water loss is still occurring. Contractors have been on site since March and as recently as May 17th to work with us; we are now at the point of having to send specialized cameras into the buried piping to see if we can locate the leak there. Once we get those results, we can move forward with how to deal with the leak and get the falls started again. Proposals are in place with us so we hope to be able to make a decision on the best option very soon. This has been a very frustrating project; we ask the membership to bear with us as we try to get this resolved once and for all.
We will keep residents updated on our progress via our NDHA website, but please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions about this or anything else!