As all of you are aware, something looked a little bit “different” when the NDHA sent out your fee invoice this year. We did get many enquires from residents worried that the new system was a fake, but yes, the change is legitimate and secure.
We are pleased to announce that we have recently upgraded and modernized the NDHA’s technology and have migrated to an online Homeowners’ Association Management system called aMember Pro. From the comfort of your home, this new feature will give you “anytime” access through our website, to your personal NDHA account! Go to, then click on the “Account Login” tab. This takes you to the Homeowners’ Account Portal.
The new Homeowners’ Account Portal allows you to:
- View invoices and pay your annual fees. Any outstanding credits are applied to your current invoice, and any invoices with balances still owing are also viewable.
- Pay online by credit card all pending and outstanding invoices (exception: outstanding invoices that are in collection process with the NDHA lawyer)
- Manage and update as necessary your “Homeowner’s Profile” with your email address, phone, and billing mailing address.
- View important NDHA communications.
- Register to attend the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
To familiarize yourself with the new system, we ask that you take the time to log into your account. To access your account:
- Go to the Homeowners Account Portal (
- Use the password provided to you on your 2021 invoice (or you may use the “Forgot Password” option to reset your account password using the email address)
- Check your email and click the link to set your new password and access your account.
Note: Your online payment cannot be accepted if the email address field is left blank. Please ensure you have updated your Homeowner’s Profile to include your email address, before making a payment.
Those who own more than one property, aMember Pro requires a unique email address for each property. If no email address is on file, or if the duplicate email was removed during the migration, a paper invoice was mailed to the billing address on file for that property.
Your 2021 NDHA Fee is due 29 June 2021. Thank you to those who have already paid their 2021 invoices!
If you have any issues logging in, or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing