Thank you to all who came out to the AGM on June 7th! It was extremely well attended and much information was shared. Although we were sad to say goodbye to several board members (Ali Asghari, Paul Hodges, Geoff Hill and Jolyan Oldershaw), we are grateful for the time they gave, some for many years, to the NDHA and the community. A special “Thank You!” to all of you for helping to make this such a wonderful place to live!
“Welcome” to James Wilson and Joe MacLean, who have volunteered in June to join returning members Ron Parisien, Shaune Pasay and Deji Gbobaniyi on the Board of Directors for the coming year. The NDHA can always use more help, so if any resident wants to be part of the team, please contact us any time!
2017 Landscaping Projects – These projects are on track to begin mid-July. We experienced delays with securing Xeriscape Project approvals from the City and this has in turn delayed the mulching and other small projects because all will be done at the same time. We will commence these projects as soon as the City has completed thier new tree installations into our medians and parks. Please be extra-cautious of the heavy equipment and workers in the area especially where median work is being undertaken. Let’s slow down and keep everyone safe!
Tree Replacement and New Park Trees – the City has advised that the new trees will be installed between July 6th and July 10th. City of Calgary Parks – Urban Forestry department will plant 38 large trees into Discovery Ridge this summer (we secured an additional one to replace the tree near the roundabout that was damaged by a wind storm last month and cut down). “X” marks the spot... you can identify the locations for the new trees by looking for the spray-painted red “x” that has been marked in various locations throughout the community.
Irrigation and Electrical Tie-Offs in our Entrance/TUC – We have completed the required work to tie-off the lines extending into the ring road construction space along our entrance. The orange fencing that was up near the roundabout a few weeks ago had to do with the irrigation tie-off. A high pressure line required some extensive changes as part of the tie-off; this in turn resulted in the loss of use of our main water line for several days.
Waterfall – At last, the waterfall is operational again! Unfortunately the loss of our main waterline during the irrigation tie-off happened just as we were ready to start the waterfall; it delayed the start-up by about a week. Short-term shut downs may occasionally occur over the summer as part of the post-repair integrity testing, but they will be temporary. We want to ensure that the repairs are holding now that we have the feature operating normally. Enjoy the return of our signature feature!
Ring Road Impacts at our Entrance – We have recently been advised that the removal of our entrance trees and shrubs will be delayed until the beginning of August. The project schedule remains fliud and the positive result is that we have been able to enjoy our entrance for several more months than was expected!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesiate to contact us by email or phone!
Have a great summer! Safe travels to all!