April 2020 Update

At long last spring is upon us! While we all wait for the ground to thaw and trees to bud, the NDHA will be working behind the scenes with our fantastic team at ULS, preparing for the start of another busy growing season. As weather dictates, our main priority will shift away from pathway snow clearing and toward spring clean-up of the greenspaces.

Bristles: On the subject of clean-up, we would like to acknowledge the residents who contacted the NDHA regarding the snow-sweeping bristles that have collected along our pathway system. Thank you for reaching out! Although ULS regularly maintains their snow removal equipment and changes out the bristle apparatus twice per season, these bristles are still shed during operation. It is an unfortunate and unavoidable consequence of our safety requirement to clean the snow down to bare pavement. To mitigate this problem, the NDHA has asked ULS to send out crews to clean up the bristles on a regular basis. As the snow melts, there is no doubt that more and more of these rogue bristles will be exposed. Please know that we are “on it”, and that in addition to the ongoing spot clean ups, ULS will do a thorough deep clean of the bristles during their spring clean up measures.

Street Sweeping: The City of Calgary is scheduled to carry out street sweeping in Discovery Ridge on May 12th. Conditions may cause this date to move slightly, so to keep up to date on any changes, please access the City of Calgary website for updates. Please note the following:

  • During the program, daytime crews will sweep in neighborhoods Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Major roads are swept overnight to reduce traffic impact.
  • There will be no sweeping on Statutory Holidays (April 10, May 18 and July 1)
  • Watch for signs in the community indicating when your street is scheduled for clean-up.
  • Parking bans are in place when signs are present. Remove vehicles and bins from the road on the posted dates and times​.

The NDHA will work with ULS to ensure they have completed all median and boulevard cleanup prior to the City of Calgary carrying out street sweeping operations in our neighborhood.

2020 FEE REMINDER: Invoices for the 2020 NDHA fee were emailed (or mailed if no email address on record) to all homeowners in February. For those who may not already know this, the annual Association fee or ‘rent charge’ of $307 is assessed per the terms of the NDHA’s Encumbrance document. The fee is due on June 29th of each year. Payment of the annual fee is mandatory and secured by the registration of the NDHA’s Encumbrance on title of your residential property in Discovery Ridge. The Encumbrance is available to read online on our website.

The collection of the annual fee is used to maintain the green spaces and specific landscape amenities within Discovery Ridge, at a level that is superior to the standards that would have been provided for by The City of Calgary through the assessment and collection of property taxes alone.

Please contact our treasurer (ndhaaccts@gmail.com) if you have lost your invoice; indicate your name and address in your email as well. Secure payments can be made online at our website (ndha.ca) using e-transfer or credit card, or by cheque to our mailing address.

We are always happy to hear from our NDHA members; please access our website at www.ndha.ca for NDHA News updates or to send an email – you can also call us at 403-237-9595.