The only news we will be writing about this month is the potential need to cut back services until outstanding NDHA dues are paid. As of mid September, 474 (almost 30%) of homeowners are delinquent with their 2019 fee, which was due on June 29th. This equates to more than $145,000 in missing revenue, and is five times what is “normal’ for this time of year.
As a visual, go open your front door and look to your neighbor on the right, then the left. One of the three of you possibly hasn’t paid their bill, yet is benefitting from the services paid for by the other two. Is that fair? We think not! Immediate payment is required.
The NDHA invoiced homeowners for the 2019 fee back in February. The amount owing is $307. This year, the treasurer was directed to EMAIL the invoices if possible. If we don’t have your email address on file, then we sent your invoice via Canada Post as per previous years. Residents were also made aware that fees were due via signage at the entrance to the community in June & July
Please keep in mind that this is an encumbrance on your land title and therefore you are legally bound to pay these fees annually. The NDHA has a strict policy for the collection of unpaid fees. Past due payments are charged interest at a rate of 18% per annum plus administration fees, in compliance with the terms of the NDHA’s Encumbrance.
Accounts in arrears will be turned over the NDHA lawyer for collection. Any and all legal costs incurred by the NDHA to recover the outstanding balances become the responsibility of the homeowner. Failure to pay outstanding balances and legal costs may ultimately lead to foreclosure proceedings being commenced in respect of the homeowner’s property. Please don’t force us to take this path.
Our community relies on everyone to pay their fee on time so that we can pay our contractors. Snow clearing of pathways, fall clean-up, holiday lights and holiday planters all rely on us being able to pay the associated bills. These activities could all be in jeopardy, and will profoundly impact the quality of life in the community.
Payment options can be found on our website at You may contact the Treasurer at if you are unsure of your payment status; please reference your address. Thank you to all who have paid for 2019, we appreciate it!
We are always happy to hear from our NDHA members; if you ever have a concern or comment and need to contact us please access our website at to send an email or call us at 403-237-9595.