2019 AGM Notice and Proxy

Dear Member,

Enclosed is the Notice and Proxy Form for the 2019 Annual General Meeting for members of the New Discovery Homeowners Association. 

Date: Thursday, June 6, 2019

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: Griffith Woods School

7652 – 26 Avenue SW

Calgary, AB 

We hope you will give due consideration to attend the AGM as it will give you an opportunity to become informed about what the NDHA has been doing with your annual fee remitted each year. Your attendance will also provide you an opportunity to express your thoughts on how our community’s green spaces can become even more attractive.

Over 1,600 households are members of the NDHA. To transact business at an Annual General Meeting, the Articles of Association of the NDHA require 10% of the membership be represented either in person or by Proxy. If you are unable to attend the AGM, please help us achieve the required quorum by completing the Proxy on the back of the AGM notice and e-mailing it to ndhageneral@gmail.com OR mailing it to:

                                                New Discovery Homeowners Association

                                                Box 2478, 246 Stewart Green SW  

                                                Calgary, AB   T3H 3C8

 We are also taking this opportunity to encourage you to join the Discovery Ridge Community Association – the other organization working to keep Discovery Ridge one of the premier neighbourhoods in Calgary. The DRCA looks after community needs such as recreation, safety, and traffic. On the back of this letter is a description of all the valuable undertakings the DRCA does on your behalf. By becoming a member of the DRCA, you ensure the DRCA will be able to meet our community’s needs.